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The Carl Jung Psychology Test

75,00 zł

Kod produktu: BHW31976 Kod paskowy: 9781398828964 ISBN: 9781398828964 Wydawca: Arcturus Publish Rok wydania: 2024 Ilość stron: 128 Oprawa: Pudełko kartonowe Format: 13.0x20.0cm Waga: 0.514 Tłumacz: Seria:
Readers can discover who they really are in this fascinating personality test box set, including a full-colour book on Carl Jung's personality psychology and accompanying quiz cards. Carl Jung was a highly influential psychologist and the original thinker behind introverted and extroverted personality types. This brilliant box kit contains a 128-page guide explaining Jung's views on personality psychology as well as a deck of 52 cards, which form a personality test. Readers can discover their personality type and receive guidance on how to nurture these qualities to achieve success and happiness. Contained in a sleek lidded box with ribbon pull-out, this book and card deck is a wonderful way to learn more about Carl Jung's theories, and test yourself, family and friends. ABOUT THE SERIES: Learn hobbies, solve puzzles and play games with Arcturus Leisure Kits. Each kit contains a book and card deck enclosed in an attractive lidded box, making it perfect for gifting.

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