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How I Came to Know Fish

45,00 zł

Kod produktu: BHW30351 Kod paskowy: 9780141192833 ISBN: 9780141192833 Wydawca: Penguin Books Rok wydania: 2010 Ilość stron: 138 Oprawa: Miękka Format: 13.0x20.0cm Waga: 0.114 Tłumacz: Seria:
How I Came to Know Fish (1974) is Ota Pavel's magical memoir of his childhood in Czechoslovakia. Fishing with his father and his Uncle Prosek - the two finest fishermen in the world - he takes a peaceful pleasure from the rivers and ponds of his country. But when the Nazis invade, his father and two older brothers are sent to concentration camps and Pavel must steal their confiscated fish back from under the noses of the SS to feed his family. With tales of his father's battle to provide for his family both in wealthy freedom and in terrifying persecution, this is one boy's passionate and affecting tale of life, love and fishing.

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